Register to Vote With FPCA (Federal Post Card Application)

You can use the FPCA form to:

  • 1. Register to vte or update your registration (registration deadline applies)
  • 2. Request an absentee ballot

Complete the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) form and returning it to our office.

Common Questions

QUESTION: What happens if I mail a completed FPCA to my local board of elections but do not receive my absentee ballot?

  1. Download the FWAB (Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot)
  2. Complete and Sign the FWAB [Use the UOCAVA notice under the notice of election on the front of our website so you know what candidates, questions or issues are on the ballot]
  3. Mail the FWAB [The FWAB may only be submitted by mail]

QUESTION: What elections may a UOCAVA voter registered in Ohio vote on?

Federal, State and local elections.


QUESTION: What are some other helpful links?